22.12.04 Sick day

We had the usual early morning exercise then we got into class. We got back into our small groups and I ended up in the same group with *Goat. That old goat tried to make me the leader of our little presentation today. Gah! Don't like him!

We managed to pull off the sketch though. During lunch time, I went to bed and I told the teacher I was sick with mild fever. I slept in the dorm alone the whole afternoon, wondering what happened outside where the rest of my new friends were doing.

* Mitzy brought me bread from the canteen for lunch. Turns out I missed the first ever marching practice and going into the jungle. They also went to get their army uniform (cheloreng).

I took a Panadol. At night, I went to class and once again I was put in the same group as *Goat. Twice in one day. We managed to get past our differences and put our presentation. After class, we sat in the main hall for a while and there was this insect which looked like cockroach grasshopper and it jumped around.

The girls screamed and the guy teacher laughed. I had a little bit of supper and this time I went to sleep without tears.