26.12.04 I hate this programme!

I reached camp around 2 pm where I brought several stuff from home. I started organizing my narrow locker where my food are stacked right at the top, followed by my clothes, either hung or folded. There's this black cloud following me everywhere and a knot in my heart.

When I came back, there was a lecture going on mid way in the hall but I was in the dorm, minding my own business and unpacking my stuff. We were then allowed to do our own work so I put my new disc man to full use.

After dinner, I was on the phone with my dad and I burst into tears. I talked to mom, uncle and grandma too. I realized I was homesick, terribly homesick. Dad reminded me that time passes very quickly and soon it would be new year where I can come home.

There was some unknown guys who passed by who tried to comfort me but I turned away and ignored them. Sorry.

Soon it was time to gather and I had to go to class. I didn't even feel like eating dinner. No appetite.